It seems as if our country or rather congress is at a standstill. From what I have read, watched, or been told, is that since we are heading into an election year, Democrats do not want to pass anything that has been created by Republicans even if they agree with it. On the flip side, Republicans do not want to pass anything that has been written by Democrats regardless if they agree with it or not. the reason behind this is that neither of them want the other party to look better. Many representatives have said that they have submitted many proposals but congress will either not even vote or just not pass them. Is this not what they are paid to do vote on proposals or better yet pass bills? Why pay these congress men and women if they are not doing their jobs?
So what is going to happen? Well if you have been paying attention to the news then you have been seeing President Obama going around Congress to try and get things done. Is this something that should be done? Maybe! We will have to wait and see how it pans out but at least something is trying to be done.
If Congress is not doing anything and if Americans are very dissapointed in Congress, then why do we need them. It would save the country quite a bit of money by not having to pay them. Maybe things would actually get accomplished.
If Congress was gone what could be done to help the country? I have thought that we could have the House of Representatives write bills and then they could be voted on by the people. The argument to that would be that not everyone will vote. Well to counteract that this would get more people to vote and if someone doesn't vote then they have no one else to blame besides themselves if they do not like what is passed. This would also create jobs since people have to run the polls when a bill comes up for vote. Another argument is who would keep those bills in check to make sure that they are not unconstitutional. Well we have the judicial system to ensure this.
It is just an idea. Something drastic needs to happen in this country for it to change. Regardless if you agree or not it is something to think about. Feel free to let me know what you think. There will be more posts to come on a varitey of topics related to politics and the government.
MTOG (Quick name for this blog)
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